MUDCLEANER TRUCK - the mobile HDD innovation
Our sector experiences a fundamental transformation.
The sustainable use of raw material and the consequent protection of recources are thereby not only a keyword but also a useful challenge for the daily routine of our business. The drilling mud, which accrues at the HDD-process (horizontal directional drilling), is a very apropriate example for the development.
Even if the non-disruptive laying system is elegant and gentle: Its water consumption is high and the illegal disposal of the accruing drilling mud is strictly prohibited in the meantime. Due to that the prevention and minimization of the drilling mud, which has to be disposed, is urgently necessary and economical useful.
New, innovative technologies for ressource-conscious and cost-conscious HDD-projects are necessary - Max Wild offers exactly that with the MUDCLEANER system.
without mudcleaner
ca. 53.839 €
with mudcleaner
ca. 10.768 €
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
* Feststoff und Restspülung

Drilling Mud Recycling 4.0
The innovation for highly optimized efficiency
Less water consumption
Less waste
Lower disposal costs