Pipeline construction A strong network for better provision

The development of building areas, a simple house connection or the construction of entire gas or communal waste water or drinking water systems are predestined for conventional open pipeline construction.

Here you can rely on the know-how of our professionals. The Max Wild specialists work reliably, quickly and economically when it comes to laying lifelines.

With state-of-the-art materials, state-of-the-art technology and long-standing expertise, we create solid mechanical and thermal connections for gas and water supply for you. Plastic, cast iron or steel pipes are used as pipe materials. When welding PE pipes, 

Regarding to the welding of PE-pipes - we use "sleeve welding with incorporated heating element method"  butt or electrofusion welding processes to make the joints durable and safe.

Create connections is Wild.

Contact persons

Markus Koch

Bachelor of Engineering

Geschäftsfeldleiter Bau

Phone +49 8395 920-670

Mobile +49 151 72373279


Bastian Zink

Staatl. geprüfter Bautechniker

Oberbauleiter Netzbau

Phone +49 8395 920-159

Mobile +49 170 016 21 31
